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Little Rabbit Trails

was created to provide moms a safe and reliable educational resource that would ignite their child's curiosity. I wanted to save mothers time and show them that even little people are capable of learning right along side their older siblings. Little Rabbit Trails does just that. With books as the guide, topics can be explored at any level of depth and can be engaging to a wide range of ages. I introduce to you Little Rabbit Trails

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How Do the Units Work?




Read Books

Each unit is based on a specific classic book that children will love. Each unit also comes with a few additional book suggestions that support the theme. 

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Pick a Curiosity Card

Each unit comes with at least 5 full color curiosity cards.  Let your children look at them and pick one that sparks their interest. Find the topic in the guide and have the kids hunt for any books related to the topic. Now read a few more books. 

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Do the Activity

Now its time to have even more fun and do a hands-on activity that will naturally incorporate multiple educational disciplines. 

Topics like:

math, art, history, music, geography, nature studies, cooking, biology, life skills, crafts, science, social studies, astronomy and more.

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What Comes In A Rabbit Trail?

5 Curiosity Cards - These are used to let your children choose topic to learn about that looks interesting to them.

1 Recourse Guide - Inside the recourse guide you will find the Read Aloud, additional reading suggestions, activities, links, printables, interesting facts and more.

1 Motivational Quote - This is for mom to put up somewhere in the house to remind her of the important job she is doing, teaching her children.

The units are designed to cover multiple educational ares at a time because here at Little Rabbit Trails we don't believe subject exist separately but that they are intwined. That is why your child can complete a Little Rabbit Trails and you could have touched on
Physical Education
and more...

Red Rulers

I am so confident in the ability of Little Rabbit Trails to teach to a wide range of ages that I guarantee that you will learn new things and will be able to join in the excitement of discovery right along side them. 

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Here's what our testers have to say...

Mom and Kids Painting Together
Handmade Wooden Plane
Hiking With Child
Mother and Son



Thank you for this beautiful format to show how to have a fun and relaxed homeschooling environment. I hope to be able to use this more in my home. And I would love to use some of your fun Rabbit trails also. 

- Diann Ruesch - USA

What fun we had going down rabbit trails for the unit study for Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe! It covered so many hours and areas of learning in such a natural way! The cards and references were very helpful to prompt the kids and spark curiosity in this home :d

- Vanessa Koutsoukos - Australia

Outstanding work! Provides wonderful instruction on how to meet your child right in their area of wonderful! Highly recommend!

- Lin Haleu  - USA


Contact Me with any questions

Christine Owens


Moses Lake Wa.

Editor Robert  V. Faulkner

Illustrations and Logo Design Tanya Hales

Visit her website

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© 2014 by Christine Owens Proudly created with


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