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This poetry journal is the perfect place for you, your child or students to record your thoughts on poetry. It was created to be a companion to "A Year of Poetry Tea Time" book but can be used with any poetry selections since its pages are to be filled in.


–Each page has space for two journal entries. It provides a place to record the poem title, poets name and date.

–There are additional lines to write thoughts about a poem, a poem of your own, new words you've learned, or use it as a space to do some copy work from a favorite part of the poem. You could even use the space to write down mini bios about the poet. –There is space to write 192 entries.

–ALSO AVAILABLE:: A Year of Poetry Tea Time Journal (pink theme),A Year of Poetry Tea Time Journal Jr.A Year of Poetry Tea Time:The Essential Guide to Everything Poetry and Tea, and Relaxed Homeschooling.

A Year of Poetry Tea Time Journal (Blue Theme)


    Contact Me with any questions

    Christine Owens


    Moses Lake Wa.

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